Getting to grips with business model generation
ELTMAN article
This is the text of a 4 page article published last year (April 2012) in the journal of the ELT Leadership & Management Special Interest Group.
Use it as a starting point as you begin to explore the potential value of the business model generation. |
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A short overview of the business model canvas.
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Alex Osterwalder spoke to Google staff in February 2011 about his book Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers.
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The freemium model is an interesting business model which was used by Alex Osterwalder to launch his book Business Model Generation. Alex promoted his book by providing 70 pages of this book for free. You could then decide to purchase the full book if you were hooked by this “trailer”. As Alex said “Free has its place today and you need to instrumentalize it and figure out how to use it at your advantage”.
Nevertheless, freemium models don’t make sense everywhere. Every situation is unique and you need to figure out the right business model for the idea you are working on. According to Alex the key is not to take the company or the product perspective what you need to do is to understand your customers. We often forget that we don’t get right on the first time. We should spend some time to understand their motivation, their drivers and the jobs they want to achieve. “The only judge of your business model is the customer” |
I have begun to explore this online resource to complement the content of the books and video resources.
You too may find it of value? |